How digital events have taken such a pivotal role

"One of the paradoxes of the information age is that far from lowering the popularity of face-to-face contact, it appears to have increased it"
This was an argument published in the London Guardian back in 2014, based on the steady uptake of how the events sector was embracing digitalisation with open arms for the benefit of all players. Whether for conferences, business meet-ups and networking events, businesses regardless of their size were already gearing up to adopt digitalisation to propulse their events.
Ask any marketing manager and the reply will be the same, the internet is an essential motor to help companies effectively promote their events and also helps connect businesses with the right audience.
Back in 2014, it was possible to see this paradigm shift that we are all experiencing today. It was also possible to understand the potential for digital technologies to change the very nature of the events we attend.
Needless to say the Covid pandemic has prompted more businesses from practically across all industries to adopt digital methods to interact with their clienteles. From the local bookstore to the taking and delivery of orders in our favorite restaurants, customers have never been so close to their preferred brands with the click of a mouse or a scroll through an online catalog.

A survey published by McKinsey & Company McKinsey & Company in 2020 concluded that “responses to COVID-19 have speeded the adoption of digital technologies by several years – and that many of these changes could be here for the long haul.
After interviewing managers and decision-makers of several small, medium and large companies, the management consulting firm reported in their findings that the majority of those questioned fundamentally agreed that digital plays a pivotal role in the running of a business.
The almost over-night changes due to the pandemic, however, resulted in managers who were up until 2020 a little hesitant to moving to digital means and had not fully integrated digital into the everyday workings of the business quickly adopted numeric means for their businesses to maintain trading, while keeping in contact with their clients.
The new possibilities going digital have for the events sector
Our industry has been arguably one of the most reactive since the first lockdown two years ago. As soon as physical on-site productions were prohibited, all actors of the production teams were quick to compile resources to ensure that the show must go on, albeit with smaller teams and a closer working relationship with the client. Shootings were recorded as before but streaming allowed for live events to continue in studios and assured ongoing access to an even wider audience connected from the comfort of their newly adopted-home office!
Many sections of the client’s business, from Finance to HR, could now be recorded via multiple recordings and videos assembled in a matter of weeks, thanks to a meticulous organization. Speakers from all facades of the business were now taking to the new digital stage to contribute to shootings. The whole process has become quite streamlined, simple and saves in production costs.
The flexibility of a small and people-concentrated company to respond to rapid client demands
Living up to its name “Solutions Prompteur”, CEO Lucia Arribas Lucia Arribas anticipated well in advance the rapid need to convert the material needed for speakers and under three months successfully managed to propose to clients a dynamic product series of multi-sized prompter glasses from 15″ to 24″ to fit neatly on the smallest cameras, to more sophisticated devices you would most likely find in production studios.
New 19″, 21″ and 24″ teleprompters mounted on independent tripods or directly on-camera from the Solutions Prompteur camera teleprompter-range
As more and more members of large corporations, who up to two years’ ago were not akin to public speeches, find themselves today occupying production studios to record or broadcast their speeches live. The need for these new speakers is to keep in constant contact with their stakeholders. And so the demand for Solutions Prompteur prompters has effectively increased three-fold and the percentage of small studio-style productions rocketed from one third of demand prior to the Covid pandemic to two thirds we see today.
Most requested teleprompters before 2020
Most requested teleprompters after 2020
The result : Solutions Prompteur can today confidently propose a large range of prompter products to correspond to the ever-changing requests by clients to set up in either private-style and more intimate productions to more elaborate and audience-filled events, requiring conference formats speech teleprompters over several production days.
So the company’s experiences over the last two years can largely positively testify to the prophetic vision of the Guardian journalist back in 2014.
Yes the Information age has for sure increased the popularity of face-to-face contact – and Solutions Prompteur is perpetually adapting to the changes to the many different formats communication is delivered for and by people.
If you would like to know more about our range of prompters offers, do not hesitate to contact us.